Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unique Ducky Birthday Cake

Silence ... for two days because I find, like a punch in the stomach, which can pass from one state to the routine of life, the normal bustle around events that are common to all, to a state of emergency without apparent solution ...
You can cross a threshold one day and discover that there ... Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a disease that doctors know if they still have the fresh memory and remember a miserable noticina the sidelines of a textbook.
Letizia, Letizia my friend, have crossed that threshold.
And we poor humans do not know how to help solve. We do not understand how it is possible that a similar event bursts in the life of one of us, do not like, and not feasible.

Our society does not teach us to accept something that you can not interfere. We teach resignation and waiting. Does not teach us the way to hope.

That's why the last two days I'm speechless.
Today Letizia has returned home. Hope has had a successful outcome. Or so it seems ... we are all too fragile.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Signs Of Breast Implant Rejection

Silence has the face of what you have lost ...

The voice of silence
I wanted to be a little 'alone
to think you know it, and I've heard in the silence

a voice inside me and come back the lives

too many things that I thought dead by now .....
and who I loved so much by the sea of \u200b\u200bsilence

returns as a shadow in my eyes, and what I'm missing in the sea of \u200b\u200bsilence

back like a shadow You know I miss much more
There are things in
a silence that I would not expect ever
a voice, and suddenly

you realize that silence has the face of what you have lost
and I will feel love I feel you in my heart

're reclaiming the place that you

had not ever lost that had not ever lost that had not ever lost

I wanted to be a little 'alone

to think you know but there are things in silence
not expect that I would never
a voice

and suddenly you realize that the silence
has the face of what you have
lost and I will feel love I feel you in my heart

're reclaiming the place that you had not ever lost that had not ever lost

that had not ever lost.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

See Yourself With Different Hair

Open letter to Gianfranco Micciche - by my friend Angela



I like to think that tonight, and there remains only laws, now more easily seen that the comments are much lower in number compared to previous days.

and read between the lines of these bloggers are people, the disappointment, the impotent rage of so many who can still afford to dream here on the web, fatigue throughout Sicily for a disability who feels almost physical, like fate had deprived of you feet to walk in this beautiful world where there is more blue. The Sound and silent grave to those who want but can not. The desire for change is denied. The determination that crashed on a jagged rock of absence ....

You can not read the other hand, regret and the tears of those who do not dream any more, those who can not afford the web, does anyone know what might ask why do not you even imagine. The blindness of a bird that can not get up from the ground, entangled in the mire that has never sought.
Gianfranco when you decide to retire, think about all this. All this do not know.
