The Insubri is bled to go to work, the increase was not enough highway highest in Italy;
not enough of the € 4.40 daily toll, the discomfort was not enough to continue on motorway Varese-Milano;
was not enough for the court continued the implementation of the foothills, the discomfort was not enough to continue with the transport links to Milan
disruption were not enough to continue with public transport in Milan;
now the neo-Mayor Moratti (which takes its name from her husband) wants to introduce
since January 2007, a toll that will be approximately € 3 giornalieriper enter Milan
such initiatives are certainly not new and are not sure diprezzabili,
but Milan must consider factors such as:
- Milan is not a tourist town, who comes every morning to do it in Milan work
- Means of transport into the city are inadequate;
- Public transport in Milan is insufficient (London before introducing The toll has tripled public transport)
- Who uses the car to go to work is often forced to do it (would pay much less by public transport), because the media can not give that service they need;
- ......
There are few "voices" who have now heard against the initiative of the Moratti:
Franco Mirabelli says
"The ticket, as it was conceived by Mayor Moratti, a proposal is unacceptable and worrisome and has nothing to do with the initiative of the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, who before taking tripled -. The public transport ticket is unacceptable because an injustice to workers who every day go to Milanoper help run the city. Commuters find themselves faced with the unenviable choice: erode their purchasing power with an outlay of three daily € or use public transport which have proved inadequate and inefficient over the years ... in recent months had developed a convergence of all stakeholders, mayors, region and province, for the development of metropolitana.Ora, however, the project may fail if Moratti for the government of this new entity means that it must be the mayor of Milan decide for all "
Milena Bertani, president of the Park of Ticino:
had spoken of the need of a "global vision"
"Introducing taxes to solve pollution problems without having a comprehensive understanding of the problem and not a synergistic effect of all those called by anniad operate in this sense, means making choices do not always fall on the pockets of convincing Contributors - says Bertani -. funzionerebbeMilano ask how that every day without the work place, non-residents who, for reasons of time trains or buses are not able to bring them into town at dawn. We evaluate the pollution from queuing cars and trucks that clog the highways every day. If a charge must be established scopoper its solution, the only person who can intervene and the region ".
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